Diamond Paints DuraSilk Campaign

Diamond Paints – First ever premium product launch


1.      Launch Diamond Paint’s Ace Durasilk stain resistant interior emulsion
2.      Create brand awareness amongst the niche market
3.      Create brand image as a high end paint manufacturing company
4.      Acquire  maximum mileage through a limited budget and communication mediums
5.      Create waves in the paint industry as being the first ones to launch a product of this category
6.      Increase product sales

Communication Requirements:
            Electronic and Print


1.      Slice of life executed with a brilliantly woven creative concept
2.      Niche lifestyle depicted in the execution
3.      Celebrity endorsement
4.      Selective media planning for bulls eye visibility


1.      Brand Awareness
2.      Effective brand communication – (Brand Visibility)
3.       Product Initiative – (Competitive Advantage)
4.      Increased Product Demand – (Sales and Distribution)

Campaign Statement Translated:

Stains wash away,
It’s the love that stays

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