Our Culture

Agency culture

Prior to opening his own agency, Ahmed Kapadia had worked at various local and affiliated agencies in the country and came away with an obsession to open an agency where people were the key; so at Synergy, the culture of care and empowerment has long been promoted. The management believes that in order to provide complete satisfaction to the clients, a happy and contented team of employees is needed.
To provide that stimulating and inspiring experience to our employees, special policies have been developed to aid and assist the employees at various times of needs. At Synergy, proper respect and value is extended to all employees which is the reason why employee retention is the strongest, with some people having spent their entire working lives at our agency.
Following is an example of how a deaf and mute employee took part in a Self Branding workshop within the agency. This boy started work in the agency with no prior skills and is now an integral part of our design team. He makes us proud to have him with us. This is the culture of Synergy!

Leadership Empowerment Committee
LEC (Leadership Empowerment Committee) is a one of its kind working group designed to ensure empowerment to the employees and to give them opportunities to contribute to the corporate environment according to their requirements. The idea is to assign leadership roles to all employees, not in keeping with any hierarchy or titles, and make them responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the organization. The culture of taking initiatives and a proactive approach is taught through this exercise while making the employees feel important and keeping them motivated. Leadership skills are developed at all levels in the organization and the respect for the workplace is instilled in the whole team.  

Training & Development  

As Synergy progressed, so did our objectives and aims to provide superior services to all our clients. Synergy’s mission has always been to become an agency worthy of being compared to any international organization working in the industry. We believe that to keep in step with the rapid changes taking place in the world, an advertiser has to keep track of the changing trends, look for new ideas and bring something extra to the table to keep the promise of excitement alive for the clients. 

Synergy provides meaningful training to all its employees, based on its training needs assessment. The training carried out includes in-house courses as well as those offered from other training consultants. In 2010 to 2011 alone, more than 8 training sessions have been held for different employees including a drawing class being held every week for skill development purposes. Ranging from formal to informal training sessions, internal and external trainers; at Synergy, the learning never stops.   


While Synergy has a strong focus on learning, it still believes in the all work and no play adage; we take our recreation very seriously. Synergy is not only created with work and trainings, but teamwork can also be promoted through fun and games. Away days, picnics, cricket tournaments, dinners, birthdays are just some the activities that we indulge in. An independent entertainment fund has been set aside and is handled by the employees themselves to make it easier for them to plan their activities. 

Ticketing System

A special software has been developed within the agency to make it easier for managers to reward their employees.  This Ticketing System allows managers to award a cash benefit to the deserving employee as a reward for an exceptional performance, completion of a job or implementation of an idea amongst other things. This system has made employees feel appreciated and create a positive environment within the agency. 

Hajj, Medical and Loan Policy 

At Synergy, the employees are treated as family and these benefits are living proof of the culture of care promoted in the organization. 
Every year, the organization fully sponsors one of its Muslim employees to fulfill their wish by performing Islam’s basic and mandatory fundamental, Hajj. 
Provides first aid facilities within the office and extends medical insurance to its employees.
The Emergency Loan Program furnishes short-term loans to the employees of Synergy Group at their times of need

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